Traveling Tangles Project: Terri Delaune, CZT

About two weeks ago I received 3 special pieces of mail in one day. Since I only ever get bills, this is a banner day for me! Even better? It was pretty mail! The Traveling Tangles Project is basically a way for artists to collaborate and share ideas. Each artist begins a tile and works about half the tile. They then mail the tiles to each other for completion. The resulting finished tiles are shared on social media or the Zentangle® Mosaic app.

Traveling Tangles Terri Delaune
Mail from Terri Delaune, CZT

Terri Delaune’s traveling tiles to me. I’m starting with the pretty black tile!

It took me awhile to get inspired (mostly because I was paranoid I’d mess them up) but when looking at the possibilities, this tile stood out because Terri chose a tangle by one of my very favorite Tanglers, Helen Williams, CZT. Terri drew the pattern “Steps” deconstructed by Helen Williams, with a light background of smoky “printemps”.

As I turned the tile around in my hand I tried to visualize what might be added, I wished Terri’s “Steps” had been “Ruffles” (another tangle from Helen Williams. If you want to see some amazing art visit her blog at These 2 tangles are sisters as they are drawn the same way with slightly different shapes. I’ve been drawing “Ruffles” non stop since I started tangling, it’s graceful curves somehow resonated with me. So it seemed fitting that I mirrored Terri’s Steps with my Ruffles. A round blank spot just begged for a Zengem and just like that, we had a tile!

Finished tile Traveling tangles project with Terri Delaune, CZT

Stay tuned for more traveling tangles! I still have 5 to finish and that doesn’t count the tiles I have to send back! I’m very excited to be involved with these great artists but more importantly, these amazing people. Thank you to Terri Delaune, for being one of those people!

4 thoughts on “Traveling Tangles Project: Terri Delaune, CZT”

  1. Cyndee, I don’t ever remember seeing this. I only found it because I googled my name and there I was on your blog. I love how that green showed up on the black.
    So, I’m happy that you enjoyed the process.

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    1. It was a wonderful experience! I have a lot of gratitude for the time you spent with me working on patterns and being supportive! I was changed fundamentally by working with you Jody Genovese, CZT and Sarah Fowler. You ladies made me see a different picture of me, my art and the potential I had. I will always be grateful to you for the time you spent working with me. I’ve applied for a scholarship for this year’s CZT training. I don’t know if it will be enough to make attending possible but I am living in hope right now and trying to fundraise the travel and registration fee. It would be an amazing experience and you were one of those who inspired me to try. Thank you so much Terri, for your support and caring attitude. You are one in a million!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Terri and I am so grateful to have met you in October! I want you to know that your particular encouragement on Mosaic when I was first starting gave me the confidence to take my first real steps forward in Zentangle ®! You made a difference in my life! 💜


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