It’s a String Thing #255

Welcome everyone! It’s been 2 weeks since my last post. Unfortunately, I’m struggling hard with depression. I’ve been drawing and creating but unable to write. Last week’s challenge sat unfinished and I was never able to complete it. So, I was determined to finish this week and hit back. Thank goodness for tangling!

This week’s challenge was a mix of struggle and sublime as we were given a grid pattern, Flog, by Angie Gittles, CZT, and the organic Konk, by Lori Manoogian, CZT. Naturally, given my affinity for the organic, I loved Konk and struggled with Flog. I decided to incorporate Flog into the embellishments and voilà! I used a technique from gem queen, Amanda Rose Rambo, @vitruvianart, with the orbs incorporating Derwent Inktense for the dappled effects. Then, because of Lori Manoogian’s explanation published on, with a picture of a Conch shell, I had beaches on the mind and gave the background a golden brown sand color. Strange how the mind translates input! As always, you can join the challenge at Adele Bruno’s blog, Here’s my tile!

I am forced to share now that I don’t believe I will achieve my financial goal in time to attend CZT 32 in October. The deadline for my final payment is August 26th, just 2 weeks away. To say I’m discouraged is a huge understatement. I’ll be contacting Zentangle ®, Inc this week about what options I might have for next year. I will also be contacting my donors individually with an update. I cannot express my gratitude for all who offered either financial or emotional support! I am so close but I don’t have the ability to make up the balance. It’s a frustrating situation but I will come through stronger than ever. The campaign will run up to August 25th.

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