It’s a String Thing 261

This week’s IAST tile led me on a frantic search over the last 3 days! To have a tile finished, except for finishing touches, just disappear was a mystery! For the last 2 days I thought perhaps Simba had taken it outside and chewed on it but no sign could be found. I’ve been fighting illness for a couple of weeks now and I just didn’t have the energy to worry about doing another. I figured I’d just miss this week’s challenge, which was due last night. Sigh! However, when stripping my bed this afternoon, there it was, relatively unscathed, beneath my pillow! Don’t ask how it ended up there, but since it was almost finished, I scurried around and put the finishing touches on it and here it is! (Simba is still feeling offended but I gave him a treat and he might forgive me!)

So this week’s start to IAST’S 6th year, includes 2 tangles. 3-loop-6 by CZT, Mina Hsaio, and CZT, Cheryl Moote’s Hexonu. Step-outs for both can be found on Here’s my tile! As always, you can join the challenge at Adele Bruno’s blog here.

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